Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Every idea I have of something fun or useful to do is getting stymied! Unless it can be done one handed I'm stuck. The wound is healing but it's kind of crunchy and has little bits that get caught on material or anything stringy. One thing I've noticed that I've lost by my argument with the belt sander, is the last of my coral scars from Bermuda when I was about 8 years old. I've always been contemplative when looking at my evidence of how sharp coral can be and how long the scars stay with you and now they've gone, replaced by a coarse reminder of old age ouch! Sounds a bit like that tree that falls in an unpopulated forest...... if my scars are gone , did it ever happen?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

You'd think I'd have learned by now!

Decided to put underfloor insulation under the house, a good idea so why is my house built so you can't get under it on your hands and knees? You have to scoot along on elbows and toes! I scuttled in and out from 11am to 3.30pm, sometimes facedown sometimes face upwards, roll over, lose the tools somewhere, found my car keys that I didn't know I'd lost, in the dust and stones that are the result of living on a river terrace. Getting the insulation in place was the easy part- getting the body in and out and up and down- now that was the hard part. Stage one completed , abdominal muscles severely taxed, shoulders ached, hair full of cobwebs and spiders, hope it works!
Next day- more good works but this time above ground! Making a prop for daughter's photo studio and being mean by nature I figured I would use some timber that I had hanging around that was rough sawn. After all, I could sand it smooth with one of the numerous tools I have that go "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" (I don't do hand tools!). Timber pieces cut and shaped just need sanding before I assemble them. If you want to take up a life of crime buy a belt sander! You can remove all your fingerprints in a few seconds and the blood soon biodegrades! It's not the sort of thing that needs stitches- glue would probably work better. So now I'm walking around with a big bandage on my right hand which is varying shades from white to red, with abs that would make Daniel Carter proud and a whole lot of unfinished things to do.
Maybe next week!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Surprise Surprise!

Every time we get a letter from "Work & Income", that's the govt dept that pays , amongst other things, old fogies pension, we tend to think "more paperwork" or a notice saying our pension will have something or other deducted or it's gone up by 23 cents a fortnight, but this time a nice polite little letter saying " we are sorry to bring to your notice, but we have been underpaying you and we will reimberse you on the 16th of May. $2063-42 will be credited to your bank account!
Hell! I'm not sorry! They must be honest to tell me! I never would have known!

Friday, March 11, 2011

More Quakes!

It seems that the natural world is in a state of flux! The horrors of the Japanese quake has hit our screens and even more awesome, the power of a tsunami has stunned us. As I've said before, you can design and build earthquake resistant buildings, but you can't make earthquake proof buildings and nothing we could do would stop those millions of tons of water going exactly where they choose.
I am pleased that an initial team of 48 USAR specialists from NZ are already on their way to Japan. The least we can do after Japan's speedy response to our own disaster in Christchurch. It would be nice to think, that all this tragedy might make the peoples of the world, stop bickering and act as one to fight natures worst. A kind of bonding in the face of common adversity.
We can live in hope.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rescue v recovery

Christchurch has now moved from 'rescue' to 'recovery'. This is sad as although the teams will move carefully , their prime activity has moved to recovery of bodies. I am surprised but very proud of the way the whole country, not just Canterbury, have risen to the occasion. Yesterday people all over the country were wearing red & black- the Canterbury colours , raising money and sending goods that were needed. So far 163 deaths have been confirmed but will no doubt rise as bodies are recovered from the rubble. There's still a long way to go!