Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I don't think I'm getting enough exercise! I don't mean stuff like walking- I do plenty of that. Not long ago I walked the Woodville rail & tunnel track. A once a year thing run by the Woodville Lions as a fundraiser , walks through 3 tunnels and 8km long. Not steep, of course, because trains don't like steep, but still it was no problem. I went with eldest son Stephen in case I needed a 'carry' but no problem. No, what I mean is anaerobic activity. Stuff that makes me puff, so I jumped on Jill's exercycle which has an onboard computer that tells you how far you've gone, what your heart rate is , what speed you're going and how many calories you have consumed . I thought I'd concentrate on distance! Only one kilometer but I started of on 2min 45 secs. Next day was 2min 34secs and today 1min 54sec. I don't think that is a world record but it's a start- and it did make me puff!

Sacred images

I've just heard that somebody else has found an image of the Virgin Mary in a puddle or a damp patch! I've already informed one of my contacts that I have an image of Jesus, Mary Magdelene and all their children, in the freshly dug soil of my vegetable garden. Unfortunately it is obscured by the fact that all the surrounding dirt is exactly the same colour!

Monday, May 25, 2009

More sadness!

As the depressingly grey weather continues, I see an ambulance back into my neighbour's driveway. I don't know her well as she moved in after we arrived here and she keeps largely to herself but we know she has a son with terminal cancer so I guess an ambulance can't be considered good news. Some aspect of life always seems to be sad. It's a pity!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rain, Rain!

Just keeps on coming! I heard on the radio news that Cook's Strait is now down to 9 metre swell! Was 14 metres yesterday! That is a big wave! That's about 40 feet high! Surfers would love that but a bit cold I suspect. My old naval dad said the Cook's Strait was the nastiest piece of sea he ever encountered on the days that it decided to be a bitch. Otherwise it can be very pretty. The rivers are rising and rain in the hills won't reach us down here for a day or two. Well, I suppose it's winter and that's what happens in winter.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

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Sad isn't it?

When your mate who'se been a sidekick for 14 years starts to show signs that he might not be with you much longer. No longer leaping fences with a single bound but now I have to lift his back end into the Suzuki to go for 'sniffings' down by the river. To splash and play in the water and chase enormous sticks, (more logs really) and pretend that he's not going to give them back to me to throw again. Now he hops his front legs up into the back of the car and waits patiently for me to give him a lift. Stares at me with his big brown eyes and asks the question of me. 'Why don't I work properly?' Don't worry Peppy, I ask myself the same question , but it seems that life is like that.